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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

Lynsey has attended:
Project Intro Intermediate course
Project Advanced course

MS Project

How can I display 2 types of milestones with seperate formats within the same view?

RE: MS Project

Hi Lynsey

Thank you for your question. There is a field available called Marked. It works like the Flag fields. The main difference being Format > Text Style can be used to format the text of marked tasks along with Format Bar Styles to format its shape on the chart. The Marked field cannot be customised like Flag1, Text1 etc.

In Format > Bar styles you could create a style for tasks flagged as Marked which has a start shape (your alternative milestone) set to appear for Marked tasks with both From and To set to Start

When you create any task with zero duration a tick is automatically added to Mark as Milestone on the Advanced tab of Task information.

If the same task has its Marked field set to No (which is the default value) then the milestone will be drawn as normal for this task.

If the Marked field is set to Yes whichever format is lower in the Format Bar styles list will the one displayed on the Gantt Chart.

Filters applied that select milestones will display any task that has the tick in the Mark as Milestone box (regardless of whether they have been Marked.)

You could further modify your filter by searching for tasks that have a Duration of zero (or who have Milestone set to Yes) and then include (or exclude) tasks depending on their Marked setting.

I hope this helps - do let us know if you have any further questions.

Kind regards,

Tue 2 Jun 2009: Automatically marked as resolved.


MS Project tip:

Use Autofill in MS Project

a. Complete 1st entry
b. Select cell with entry to be copied
c. Click & drag autofill handle over the lines to also contain the same information. (the autofill handle is the little black square in the bottom right hand corner of the heavy lack outline on the selected cell)

View all MS Project hints and tips

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