rc cell references

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R1C1 Cell references

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2003

Anthony has attended:
Excel VBA Intro Intermediate course

R1C1 Cell references

How do I modify the 1's in the R1C1 formula so that they are varible integers rather than absolute numbers.

RE: R1C1 Cell references

Hi Anthony

Thank you for your question regarding FormulaR1C1 in Excel VBA.

The property of FormulaR1C1 is refering to the format of the formula format you are entering. For example if in cell A4 you want the following formula


You would use the following code in your VBA


The R1C1 is just part of the name of the property of the cell.

I hope that answers your question.

Laura GB

RE: R1C1 Cell references

Thank you for your response to my question. However I fear that we are talking at cross purposes. I understand that FormulaR1C1 refers to the a formula format. My question was about the use of that format.

For example with A1 type cell referencing I can write the formula


and with FormulaR1C1 I write


However if I had declared a variable counter "Outrow" for example, I could modify my formula in A1 referencing
as follows

Range("A1").Value = WorkSheetFunction.Sum(Cells(Outrow,2),Cells(Outrow+3,2))

This has the effect of modifying the formula depending on the value of Outrow for use in a loop maybe.

My question was how do I introduce the Outrow integer above into the FormulaR1C1?

Not like this I presume

Kind regards

RE: R1C1 Cell references

Hi Anthony

Thanks for the reply.

To add OutRow into the FormulaR1C1 you need to add it into the string using &. Your answer is half way there. It should be something similar to

Range("A1").Value="=sum(R[" & Outrow & "]C[2]:R[" & Outrow+3 & "]C[2])"

Let me know if that works.

Laura GB

RE: R1C1 Cell references

Thanks that works perfectly.

Kind regards


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Excel tip:

Change the Value of a Constant

When using a named constant in a worksheet, you may wish to change the value of that constant.

From the 'Insert' menu, select 'Name', then select 'Define'.

In the 'Define Name' dialog box, select the constant that you want to change.
Change the value in the 'Refers To' box.
Click OK.

Wherever that named constant has been used it will now use its new value.

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