courses microsoft project london - budget

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courses microsoft project london - Budget

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version Standard

Kim has attended:
Project Intro Intermediate course
Project Intro Intermediate course


How can I show budgets on my project, and change budgets and cost at a later date?

RE: budget

Create a Cost1 column and in that formula column type 100000*[cost]
100000 beging your budget


MS Project tip:

Autofit column width – Project (all versions)

At the top of the columns where each column name is located (Task Name, Duration, etc.), hover over the vertical column line which you want to move.

A short bold vertical line will appear, with horizontal arrows pointing left and right.

Left click and hold this icon and it will permit you to grab the column line, allowing you to move it left or right to your desired location.

View all MS Project hints and tips

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