scatter graphs excel

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Scatter Graphs in Excel

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2003

mark has attended:
Excel Advanced course

Scatter Graphs in Excel

I am trying to create a scatter graph with two numerical data series acting as coordinates on the graph. However, I also need to include data labels for each point on the graph. So far I have not been able to do this, is it possible?


RE: Scatter Graphs in Excel

Hi Mark,
Thank you for your question:
In response; I can only assume you have been able to create the scatter graph using the Chart Wizard; if so adding the data labels should follow the sequence: select the chart by clicking in the Chart area, from the menu command choose the Chart>Chart Options>Data Labels and choose X or Y or both.. I hope that helps ..Pete


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Repeat action

The F4 key will usually repeat your last action. e.g. delete a row, then select another row and press F4 to delete again.

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