percentage forumla

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Percentage forumla

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

Marianna has attended:
Excel Introduction course

Percentage forumla

What is the formula to calculate a percentage?

RE: Percentage forumla

Hi Marianna

I may need a bit more info to assist with this but as an example this might help:
In cell A1 i have captured a value of 9
In cell B1 I have captured a value of 10
I want C1 to show the the percentage of a1 of B1.

My formula would read =A1/B1 then format the cell to percentage.

Let me know if that helps.


Excel tip:

Create Equations in Excel 2010

Here's how to create basic mathematical
equations in your Excel 2010 worksheet.

1) On the Ribbon, click the Insert tab
2) In the Symbols group, click the arrow next to Equation
3) Select from the equations and the equation will be inserted in a text box

Or you can create your own equation:

1) Insert and select the text box
2) On the Ribbon, click the Insert tab
3) In the Symbols group, click Equation
4) The Equation Tools Design Ribbon will now be displayed

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