advanced filtering and pivot

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Advanced Filtering and Pivot tables

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2003

Hajer has attended:
Excel Advanced course

Advanced Filtering and Pivot tables

how can I use Advanced Filtering and Pivot tables together

RE: Advanced Filtering and Pivot tables

Hello Hajer,

To answer your question, you have to use Advanced filtering and Pivot tables separately as you canoot use them together.

When you construct a Pivot Table, the original table is a data source and a new table is formed. You can do Advanced Filtering with the original data (data source) whilst you still got the Pivot Table on another worksheet.

I hope this answers your question. If it doesn't, please get back to me.

Thank you



Excel tip:

COUNT function vs COUNTA function

The COUNTA function works in the same way as the COUNT function, except that it will count cells that contain text (labels) and also cells that contain numbers (values). The COUNT function will only count cells that contain numbers. Blank cells are not counted by either the COUNT or the COUNTA function.

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