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Access 2003

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

Hasina has attended:
Access Intermediate course

Access 2003

Can we import Access reports to Power Point?

Edited on Tue 6 May 2008, 17:20

RE: Access 2003

Hi Hasina, Thank you for your post, welcome to the forum, in answer to your question, there is no direct link from an Access Report to a PowerPoint Slide, however the accepted method of operation is to export the Report to either Word or Excel where you can tidy it up as necessary and then from PowerPoint Menu, select Insert>Object.
From the Options displayed choose Create from File, Click Browse, navigate to the folder where the file you have imported your Report to is located, and click the file, in the Insert Object dialog box, click the Link tick box and click OK;
You can now resize your Report to fit your chosen space in the slide.
I know its a bit longwinded, bit like changing trains half way through your journey.....
But I hope that helps, best regards Pete.


Access tip:

Open A Combo Box Automatically

This is helpful if users need to enter large amounts of data. There are two ways to open ComboBoxes when they get the focus by using the tab keys.

When the ComboBox gets focus:

Press Alt + Down Arrow on the keyboard

For it to happen automatically, needs a bit of coding:

1. Add a combo box and a text box control to the form
2. Set the combo box's On Got Focus property to the following event procedure:

Private Sub ComboBoxName _GotFocus()


End Sub

3. Open your form in Form View and use the TAB key to make sure it works.

View all Access hints and tips

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