Hints and tips by Amanda

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Hints and tips by Amanda

Slide numbers in PowerPointPowerPoint1 Feb 2007
Remove unused toolbar buttonsExcel19 Dec 2006
Removing unused toolbar buttons in PowerPointPowerPoint19 Dec 2006
Removing unused toolbar buttons in WordWord19 Dec 2006
Reset default toolbars in PowerPointPowerPoint19 Dec 2006
Reset Excel toolbars to default settingsExcel19 Dec 2006
Reset Word toolbars to default settingsWord19 Dec 2006
Remove formatting quickly in WordWord19 Dec 2006
Removing formatting quickly in PowerPointPowerPoint19 Dec 2006
Shortcut keys to show non-printing charactersWord19 Dec 2006
Print Word documents without opening them firstWord19 Dec 2006
Printing spreadsheets without opening them firstExcel19 Dec 2006
Changing default folder location for opening and savingWord26 Nov 2006
Change the default location for opening and saving spreadsheetsExcel26 Nov 2006
Change the default folder location for opening and saving presentationsPowerPoint26 Nov 2006
Using multi-level numbering in WordWord26 Nov 2006
Side by side comparison in WordWord26 Nov 2006
Change what you see when Outlook opensOutlook26 Nov 2006
Shortcuts for working with named ranges in ExcelExcel26 Nov 2006
Hiding a worksheet in ExcelExcel26 Nov 2006
Get sorted - sorting text in WordWord26 Nov 2006
Now you see it, now you don't - hidden text in WordWord26 Nov 2006
Move your cursor quickly to its previous positionWord26 Nov 2006
Shortcut for getting back into recently opened filesWord26 Nov 2006
Shortcut for accessing recently opened filesExcel26 Nov 2006
Get into recently opened files easilyPowerPoint26 Nov 2006
Create bullets or numbering without pressing a button!Word26 Nov 2006
Disable animations in slide show viewPowerPoint26 Nov 2006
Getting animations to play in slide show viewPowerPoint26 Nov 2006
Moving between split pane sections in a spreadsheetExcel26 Nov 2006
Shortcut keys to move between sheetsExcel26 Nov 2006
Use RANDBETWEEN to generate random numbersExcel26 Nov 2006
Using Excel's MODE functionExcel26 Nov 2006
LARGE and SMALL functions and their usesExcel26 Nov 2006
Turn off AutoComplete in ExcelExcel26 Nov 2006
Change measurement units in WordWord26 Nov 2006
Disable screen tips (yellow boxes) in WordWord26 Nov 2006
Make screen tips (yellow boxes) more usefulWord26 Nov 2006
Make Contacts your default Address Book in OutlookOutlook25 Nov 2006
What's the difference between Outlook and Outlook Express?Outlook25 Nov 2006
Turn Format Painter on once and use multiple timesWord25 Nov 2006
Use the Format Painter to copy formatting more than once in ExcelExcel25 Nov 2006
Use Format Painter to copy formatting to multiple pieces of textPowerPoint25 Nov 2006
Choosing data types in AccessAccess25 Nov 2006
Find out all Word's shortcut keysWord25 Nov 2006
Animating charts imported from ExcelPowerPoint24 Nov 2006
Ways to make exact copies of shapesPowerPoint24 Nov 2006
Another way to reduce PowerPoint file sizesPowerPoint24 Nov 2006
Checking for spelling errors in embedded or linked objectsPowerPoint24 Nov 2006
Change paragraph position quicklyWord24 Nov 2006
Rearrange bulleted text quicklyPowerPoint24 Nov 2006
Checking formulas with multiple operatorsExcel24 Nov 2006
Changing Excel file and worksheet defaultsExcel24 Nov 2006
Sort messages by multiple headingsOutlook24 Nov 2006
View conversation threads in OutlookOutlook24 Nov 2006
Reduce file sizes for Word documentsWord24 Nov 2006
Assign shortcut keys to stylesWord24 Nov 2006
Using the Find feature outside the Find dialogue boxWord24 Nov 2006
Make macros work in newer versions of ExcelExcel24 Nov 2006
Use the SUBTOTAL function in ExcelExcel24 Nov 2006
Repeating headings on spreadsheets that print on more than one pageExcel24 Nov 2006
Shortcut for deleting all comments in a spreadsheetExcel24 Nov 2006
Making the first letter of a document bigger (drop caps)Word24 Nov 2006
Change the Print button so it brings up the Print dialogue boxWord24 Nov 2006
Change the Print button so it brings up the Print dialogue boxExcel24 Nov 2006
Change the Print button so it brings up the Print dialogue boxPowerPoint24 Nov 2006
Shortcut keys for creating tablesWord24 Nov 2006
Creating perfectly symmetrical shapesWord24 Nov 2006
Creating perfectly symmetrical shapes in PowerPointPowerPoint24 Nov 2006
##### displaying in ExcelExcel24 Nov 2006
Sorting data stored in rowsExcel24 Nov 2006
Make an impact with your openingPowerPoint24 Nov 2006
Printing specific sections of your documentWord24 Nov 2006
Selecting objects from behind textWord24 Nov 2006
Select blank cells automaticallyExcel23 Nov 2006
Edit Word documents in Print PreviewWord23 Nov 2006
Add holidays into OutlookOutlook23 Nov 2006
Banish spam from your inboxOutlook23 Nov 2006
Handy shortcut keys for Outlook messagesOutlook23 Nov 2006
Change an AutoShape to a different shape quicklyPowerPoint23 Nov 2006
Change an AutoShape to another shape quicklyWord23 Nov 2006
Import Web page text without its formattingWord23 Nov 2006
Remove document formatting quicklyWord23 Nov 2006
Find out what formatting has been used quicklyWord23 Nov 2006
Change Excel's default fontExcel23 Nov 2006
Change the default font in WordWord23 Nov 2006
Keeping words together in the same lineWord23 Nov 2006
Copyrights and trademarksWord23 Nov 2006
Save all open Word documents at onceWord23 Nov 2006
Apply currency format quickly in ExcelExcel23 Nov 2006
Making Word file sizes smallerWord23 Nov 2006
Embedding fonts in a presentationPowerPoint23 Nov 2006
Preview incoming email messages from the task barOutlook14 Nov 2006
Realign text quicklyWord14 Nov 2006
Working with slide show annotations in PowerPointPowerPoint14 Nov 2006
Hide toolbar and arrow pointer in slide show viewPowerPoint14 Nov 2006
View your document in two different ways simultaneouslyWord14 Nov 2006
Assign tasks quickly in OutlookOutlook14 Nov 2006
Quickly shift a row in a tableWord14 Nov 2006
Quickly create a list of numbersExcel14 Nov 2006
Remind yourself to reply to messagesOutlook14 Nov 2006
Send a meeting reminder quickly in OutlookOutlook14 Nov 2006
Autonumbering in WordWord13 Nov 2006
Changing caseWord13 Nov 2006
Using the Ctrl keyWord13 Nov 2006
Move your cursor quickly to your last editing positionWord13 Nov 2006
Changing line spacing in WordWord13 Nov 2006
Reduce PowerPoint file sizesPowerPoint31 Oct 2006
Controlling alignment and spacing between shapes in PowerPointPowerPoint31 Oct 2006
Display pictures inside shapesPowerPoint31 Oct 2006
Aligning slide objects using gridlinesPowerPoint31 Oct 2006
Preview slide show effects without changing viewsPowerPoint31 Oct 2006
Using the status bar in WordWord24 Oct 2006
Controlling the appearance of the Styles task paneWord24 Oct 2006
Displaying tables in columnsWord24 Oct 2006
Change bullets and numbering quicklyWord24 Oct 2006
Align Shapes in Your Word Document Using GridlinesWord24 Oct 2006
Presentations with audience appealPowerPoint6 Oct 2006
Creating an organisation chart in Visio using Excel dataVisio6 Oct 2006
Turning off the Drawing CanvasWord6 Oct 2006
Easily manipulate inserted imagesWord6 Oct 2006
COUNT function vs COUNTA functionExcel2 Oct 2006

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