advanced excel ms training - fixing data subjects

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advanced excel ms training - Fixing data subjects

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version Standard

Fixing data subjects

How can I fix the headers on an excel spreadsheet so that when I scroll down the headers still remain with in view... ?

RE: Fixing data subjects

Hi Joanna

The feature you need to use to achieve this is 'Freeze Panes'.

This can be found under Window on the menu bar.

Before going to Windows-Freeze Panes, you need to make sure you have selected an appropriate cell in your spreadsheet. If your column headers are in say, row 3, for example, you need to select cell A4.

If you accidently freeze the wrong area of your screen, you can go to Window-Unfreeze Panes then try again.

Hope this helps - Amanda


Excel tip:

Sorting List Subtotals

If you find that you would prefer to show the items in a subtotalled list in a different order, eg ascending rather than descending, you can sort your list. To sort a subtotalled list, hide the detail rows and then sort the subtotal rows. When you sort a subtotalled list, the hidden detail rows are automatically moved with the subtotal rows.
IMPORTANT: If you do not hide the details rows before sorting a subtotalled list, your subtotals will be removed and all of the rows in your list will be reordered.

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