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Forum home » Delegate support and help forum » Microsoft Office general help » Teams - Do you lose a team when a user leaves? | Forum

Teams - Do you lose a team when a user leaves? | Forum

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 365

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Teams - Do you lose a team when a user leaves?

I am looking at running projects on Teams.
If a user creates a Team and then leaves the company and that user is closed down do we lose the Team and associated channels or is it still visible to other members of the Team? I suppose you could have two owners for the Team. Is there a best practice for this?



RE: Teams - Do you lose a team when a user leaves?

Hi Tony,

Thank you for your question to the forum

When a Team is created, it is always good practice, like you say, to have atleast 2 owners. This means that if 1 owner leaves, then the other owner can be available to manage the team in terms of adding new members or deleting a Team if it is no longer required. Having no owners attached to the team means it should still function with all the channels but it will not be as efficient as you would like

Kind regards
Martin Sutherland
(IT trainer)

Wed 27 Dec 2023: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Microsoft Office tip:

Draw a perfect square or circle

Click on the Rectangle or Oval button on the Drawing toolbar. (If necessary, click Customize on the Tools menu, and then click the Drawing check box on the Toolbars to display the toolbar.)
Press and hold down both the [SHIFT] key and the mouse button.
Drag the mouse pointer diagonally downward and to the right until the rectangle or circle drawn has your preferred measurements.
Release the mouse button.
Release the [SHIFT] key.
In short, simply hold down the SHIFT key while dragging the mouse pointer!

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