presentingconverting excel data

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Presenting/Converting excel data into visual chart | Excel forum

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 365

Rachel has attended:
Excel Introduction course

Presenting/Converting excel data into visual chart

How to convert excel data into a visual chart - adaptable for presentations/report etc

RE: Presenting/Converting excel data into visual chart

Hi Rachel

Thankyou for your forum post.

Excel charts are a great way to represent your data more visually so a really good place to start is to go to this Youtube video for a basic introduction:

Hope this helps

Kind regards
IT trainer

Wed 9 Aug 2023: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Convert Text into Number

Some times numbers maybe imported in as text or you maybe concatenating numbers that form a text string that now are treated, because you had to extract them by Text functions

To convert Text into Number just encase the relevant cell reference or formula in the TEXT function. See Converting American Date to European hint

eg TEXT(Ref) or TEXT(formula)

View all Excel hints and tips

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