how work out someones

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How to work out someone's age on excel

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2016

Niamh has attended:
Excel Intermediate course

How to work out someone's age on excel

Hello! I am trying to work out a person's age on excel. The DATEDIF function is not displaying and when I try (X - X / 365) I am not getting any results. Please can you advise on a formula. Also is the format of date (28-DEC-95) is correct for the formula - this how the data was provided to me.

Thank you.

RE: How to work out someone's age on excel

Hi Niamh,

Thank you for the forum question and the nice feedback after the course and the nice Trustpilot review.

I am happy the course was useful.

To calculate age the Datedif function is very useful.

=Datedif(Start date, End date, "y")

"y" in the third argument if you want the result in years.

If you have the date of birth (28-DEC-95) in A2 and the =today() function in A1 the function should look like this:

You will need to check if Excel understand your date format (28-DEC-95). If the date is right aligned in the cell, you are fine and the Datedif function will work. If the date is left aligned, you cannot do it, before you have changed the date to a format Excel understands as a date format.

Kind regards

Jens Bonde
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

Tel: 0207 987 3777
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Fri 17 Mar 2023: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Creating a range of monthly payments as text

You could use a formula to create a range of payment ie. payment amount for x% to y% rate with fixed terms and principle.

The text that would be "between Xamount and Yamount".

Here is how to do it.

1 Use the PMT function to get your monthly payments figure or whatever frequency of payments that you choose he start range.

See PMT under Excel Help

2. Nest these in the ROUND function to round decimals see ROUND under Excel Help

3. Concatenate this using "&" and concatenate " to " and concatenate "Between ".

4. Concatenate the above to PMT function for the end range


="Between "&ROUND((PMT1),decimal places)&" and "&ROUND((PMT2),decimal places)

View all Excel hints and tips

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