teams and sharepoint sharing

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Teams and Sharepoint, sharing and syncing | Forum

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 365

Teams and Sharepoint, sharing and syncing

hello - difficult to explain this without screenshots. If there is a way to email/attach please let me know.

Basically we have a shared finance folder. Witin it I have a working folder with my initials. Although it's labelled as my folder, I don't believe there are any restrictions on it making it any different from any other folder.
The intention was/is to have this synced so I can use Windows Explorer to save files conveniently, and have it visible in Teams so other people can open/review.

In Windows Explorer I have ended up with two versions of the folder in slightly different places.
Both come under a location in Windows Explorer that is a blue icon that looks like two buildings.
These are named "ABM (oneabm.local)" and "ABM Industries".

Within these, they both have my working folder. However they are now updating differently. At various times I have tried pressing sync in various places.
I now just want to end up with one mater version, and how to have it update Teams.

Many thanks

RE: Teams and Sharepoint, sharing and syncing

Hi James

Thank you for using our forum

Please could you forward the screenshots to and one of our trainers will be able to assist you

Many thanks

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

Will be marked as resolved in 5 days

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RE: Teams and Sharepoint, sharing and syncing

hello - is there any help on this issue?

thank you

RE: Teams and Sharepoint, sharing and syncing

Thank you for asking such a good question in the forum. Wendy has passed this on to me to answer. Please see the email I sent to you with more detail.

You are correct that the 2nd Screen shot of the ABM folder with the correct sub folders – as it appears in Teams is how it should be showing.
I can’t tell you how or why the OneAbm.local folder appeared as it looks like the result of a synch setup issue we can’t replicate.
Anything further would require IT support which isn’t inside the scope of the Post learning support we provide.
We can provide you with the following steps
First step before you remove the .local is to make sure that the Sync is not active. If it’s active the folder you delete will update and also delete this other users creating other problems.

Stop syncing
• Click on your OneDrive icon in the bottom right of your screen down on the taskbar, click “Help & Settings” and “Settings”

• Under Accounts, click stop sync. This will pop up a warning – please accept to stop syncing files

Delete the Folder
• Head to the folder which contains the OneAbm.local - This is likely C:\Users\Username
• You can now delete the folder as it has converted back to a local folder

In the case that the Stop sync stops both the ABM and OneABL.local syncing you can remove this too and redo the sync using the step below

Head to Teams, Click on the a channel within a Team – General is best. Head to Files along the top and use the Open in SharePoint option

Click on the Documents to go up a level

I’m sorry that duplication happened but using the steps above will allow you to remove and if necessary redo the sync correctly.

Kind regards

Richard Bailey

RE: Teams and Sharepoint, sharing and syncing

Apologies James, I will follow up on this for you

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer


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