sharepoint accordion faqs

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SharePoint - accordion for FAQs

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2016

Nikki has attended:
SharePoint Site Administrator course

SharePoint - accordion for FAQs

I've started an FAQ section for my site users using the SharePoint List. Is it possible to make this more user-friendly using expand/collapse buttons? I can't see a web-part for this, but may be looking for the wrong one. I don't have SharePoint Developer, but I am a site administrator.

RE: SharePoint - accordion for FAQs

Hi Nikki,

Sorry for the delay in answering your question, this was due to the Sharepoint trainers all being occupied last week.

I'm sorry but the answer is no. The out of the box capability for the latest version of sharepoint doesn't do this anymore.

It does look like you could do something with code but that's out of scope of the forum to help you with.

Sorry not to be more help.


Mon 23 Mar 2020: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Microsoft Office tip:

Using the Windows Keyboard key

The Windows Key,(WK) typically found at the bottom left hand corner, can be found on most keyboards, and has a number of different uses:

To open the Start menu: WK
To minimise all windows WK+ D
To open all windows again WK+ shift + M
To open Windows Explorer WK + E
To move across the Task Bar WK + tab
To open the Search window WK + F
To open the Run dialogue box WK + R
To open the System Properties dialogue box WK + break

You may be able to perform other actions with the windows key depending on which programs you have installed on your PC.

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