duplicate data from sharepoint

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Duplicate Data From Sharepoint Folder Link | Forum

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 365

Duplicate Data From Sharepoint Folder Link

I have managed to successfully set up a data model that updates based on files in a Sharepoint Document Library, however I am finding that the data is all imported twice.

I presume that this is because it is seeing the Tables as one data source and the Sheets as a second, and so is pulling in both at once.

I have managed to work around it by filtering out Sheet1 in the data table name, but that won't work if it is called something else.

If I was connecting to the workbooks directly it would be easy enough, but as I am just connecting to the folder I can't see a way to do it - Is there an easy way to only pull in the Tables but not the Sheets?


RE: Duplicate Data From Sharepoint Folder Link

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RE: Duplicate Data From Sharepoint Folder Link

Ive now resolved this - I added the field 'Kind' when expanding the custom column. This had the option to filter on tables or sheets.

RE: Duplicate Data From Sharepoint Folder Link

Hi Alex,

Thank you for letting us know you've resolved this.

I'll close this item.



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