dragging formulas there merged

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Dragging formulas when there are merged cells | Excel forum

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2016

Angela has attended:
Excel Intermediate course

Dragging formulas when there are merged cells

Hi, i have multiple worksheets with data all in the same format and in the same cells that I want to total onto another sheet again in the same format. I thought the easiest thing would be to sum the first cell i wanted to use then once that formula was in drag it into the other cells however because of merged cells this isnt working.

Can you suggest any other ways of doing this please?



RE: Dragging formulas when there are merged cells

Hi Angela,

Thank you for the forum question.

Merged cells are a huge problem in Excel. Merged cells ruin a lot of options in Excel and I always advice my clients to stay away from using merged cells. I hope one day Microsoft remove the option.

If merged cells stop you from copy the formulas (drag), then you have two options; remove the merged cells or do the calculation in each cell on the destination worksheet.

Kind regards

Jens Bonde
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

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Fri 15 Nov 2019: Automatically marked as resolved.


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