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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2016

Rory has attended:
PowerPoint Intermediate Advanced course


can you please remind me how to fit a picture as the background on a slide ?

RE: background

Hi Rory

Thank you for using our forum

Are you looking to apply this background to all your slides or just a particular slide?

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

RE: background

just to a particular slide..

RE: background

Hi Rory

I would add the picture to the slide. Extend it to fit the entire slide size and then use Send to Back to put it behind other graphics or text (Home > Arrange > Send to Back)

Hope this helps

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

RE: background

Thank you Wendy - I thought there was a 'set/fit to background' option ?

RE: background

Hi Rory

You could also use the format background option to add a picture. There are multiple methods to achieve what you're trying to do. This method won't give you any formatting options though.

Try going to Design Tab > Variants group and select the drop-down menu > Background Styles > Format Background > Select Picture or Texture Fill > Browse or Select from File (depending on your version) and select your image.

Hope this helps

Kind regards

Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

RE: background

got it ! thanks Wendy


PowerPoint tip:

Moving to next column

If you are working in a slide that includes more than one column of bulleted items, press Ctrl+Enter to move to the next column of bullets. Pressing Ctrl+Enter again will create a new identical slide.

View all PowerPoint hints and tips

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