look ups

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Look ups

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2016

Bernadette has attended:
Excel Advanced course

Look ups

What formula do I need to insert to find exact data match between two columns. Each formula I try (Vlookup or If as examples) returns an error in the formula.

I realise this is a very simple question but someone else may have an answer or solution to where I'm going wrong.


RE: look ups

Hi Bernadette

Thank you for using our forum

Could you send me an example of the data you're trying to match?

Also what does your formula look like? It could be a case of using absolute referencing to make sure the data selection runs correctly.

If you could, please send the file to info@stl-training.co.uk

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

RE: look ups

How do I attach an excel sheet to this response?

RE: look ups

Hi Bernadette

Please send the files to info@stl-training.co.uk

If the data is confidential, we will return them directly to you

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

RE: look ups

Hi Bernadette

Unfortunately, when using a VLOOKUP, the data you’re searching for has to be in the first column of your database and the columns you‘re searching have to be to the right of your search column.

The data also has to be an exact match (no excess spaces or commas or misspellings).

Looking at your file, I assume you’re trying to see if the person listed in row 2 has used the same surname on their passport for registration?

I would probably use an IF statement to check this rather than a VLOOKUP as VLOOKUP would mostly be used for finding data from another database rather than checking for matches

I have sent this back via email as well

Let me know if this helps

Kind regards

Thu 18 Oct 2018: Automatically marked as resolved.


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