sum if criteria

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SUM IF 3 Criteria

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2016

Sam has attended:
Excel Advanced course

SUM IF 3 Criteria

Hi guys,

I need a calculation to have 3 criteria for a SUMIF

I column "A" there a list of different components

In column "C" there is a list of different dates created

In column "G" there is a resolution dates.

I want the SUMIF to first find the component in A and then the correct date (by month) in column C and then find the resolution time and I want all the resolution dates matching that criteria added together.

I want the calculation to show for example all "Tracking issues" (Column A) that occur in February (Column C) and add the resolution dates that are in column G together.



RE: SUM IF 3 Criteria

Hi Sam

Thank you for your forum query

There are a few solutions to your query but I'd like to see the file to test it

Please could you forward the file to

Thank you

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

RE: SUM IF 3 Criteria

Hi Sam

I have received your file, thank you.
It should be returned to you shortly

Please let me know if it helps

Kind regards

Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

Thu 16 Aug 2018: Automatically marked as resolved.


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