page numbers

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Page numbers

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2010

Alessandra has attended:
PowerPoint Intermediate Advanced course

Page numbers

when I copy and paste slides from multiple presentations, the slide numbers are often messed up. Is there a way to avoid manual check and insure that the page order is respected and correct? Thanks

RE: page numbers

Hi Alessandra,

Thank you for contacting us with your query.

I've attempted to replicate your issue and was unable to do so. This may be due to the file that you are copying from not having the correct place holder for the page number (you can find this by selecting VIEW, Master Views, Slide Master – Look for <#>).

Thank you, and if you have any other issues please do not hesitate to contact us and we would be happy to help you further.

Kind Regards,

Tue 14 Aug 2018: Automatically marked as resolved.


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PowerPoint tip:

Create a photo album in Powerpoint

Powerpoint has easy to use, ready made templates, with colour and formatting all ready for you to add your photos.

This is a great way to show family photos in a fun way, you can even add music or embed videos to bring it to life.

In the File menu, select new, then select templates to select the album style to suit you.

View all PowerPoint hints and tips

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