naming rangestable

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Naming ranges/table

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2010

lisbeth has attended:
Excel Intermediate course

Naming ranges/table

Following yesterdays training, I am trying to practice doing some V look ups and creating pivot tables.
I want to name my table in excel, in order to freeze the data.
I have formatted the table, and I remember that we had to select a cell in the table and then write the chosen name (with no spaces) in the top left corner... but this isn't working for me. I have tried loads of times, but even if I select the whole table, it just renames the one cell!
Can you help?
Thank you

RE: naming ranges/table

Hi Lisbeth

Thank you for your forum question.

Are you perhaps using the Name Box to name the table or are you using the Table Tools Design tab to rename the table?

The naming option you need to name the table is available on the Table Tools Design tab.
When you've clicked on the table, a new context ribbon should appear. If you open this ribbon you should see Table 1 or so depending on how many you've created. If you click in this box you should be able to delete the Table 1 text and replace it with your custom name.

You may need to use Name Manager on the Formulas ribbon to delete the named cell as well.

I hope this helps

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

Thu 19 Jul 2018: Automatically marked as resolved.


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