how categorise transactions and

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How to categorise transactions and rename them | Excel forum

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2016

Sophie has attended:
Excel Intermediate course
Excel Advanced course

How to categorise transactions and rename them


I have a big list of data of transactions from a credit card, and I would like to create a formula to categorise these automatically.

I have created a separate tab that lists each transaction name and what the category should be. So for example, Tesco/Sainbury's transactions should be the 'Groceries' category, Uber transactions should be 'travel' categories etc.

I have played around with Lookups and If functions but cannot work out how to do it.

I can send you the raw data spreadsheet if that would be helpful

Please can you advise how to process?

Many thanks

RE: How to categorise transactions and rename them

Hi Sophie

Thank you for using our forum

Both Vlookups and IF statements would be able to do this but you would need to use absolute references to lock the area that it would be looking from.

Could you please send the file to

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

RE: How to categorise transactions and rename them

Hi Sophie

The tab Key is going to give a problem. Your search criteria needs to have a specific criteria. At the moment you have too much criteria in a single cell for the formulas to read.

It might be simpler to add a data validation field into the column next to it and select the category from a drop down field

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

Tue 5 Jun 2018: Automatically marked as resolved.


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