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resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2007

Jill has attended:
Word Advanced course


I am having difficulty with creating multiple footers and page numbers within the same document.

RE: Headers/Footers

Hi Jill

Thanks for getting in touch. Is the problem that numbers keep resetting or not following the right order?

Between each part that need different headers / footers, including numbering, you need to have a section break in between.

When you are at a part of the document that needs new numbering, go to Page Layout > Breaks. Choose the section break type that fits what you're trying to do, based on whether you need the content to go on to the next page or not.

Kind regards

Gary Fenn
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

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Mon 9 Jun 2014: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Word tip:

Undo Autoformt Features

Later Microsoft Word versions have auto-formatting features. But, we don't always want our Web addresses hyperlinked; we do not always want our spelling corrected.

Select from the menu, Tools > AutoCorrect options from the drop-down list to toggle these features, You will be able to tweak Word's settings to your liking from the dialog that pops up. However, if you'd rather keep the automatic features turned on, you can easily undo an auto-format immediately after it has been applied.

For example when typing and Word creates an automatic hyperlink, just hit backspace as soon as Word makes the automatic change. It will revert back to your original string. You can also use the undo feature (CTRL+Z).

View all Word hints and tips

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