hyperlinks hidden worksheets

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Hyperlinks to hidden worksheets

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2007

Jenny has attended:
Excel Advanced course

Hyperlinks to hidden worksheets

I have set up hyperlinks to worksheets in the same workbook. These work until I hide the worksheet, is there anyway I can hide worksheets and the hyperlinks still work?

RE: Hyperlinks to hidden worksheets

Hi Jenny

Thank you for your question. I regret to say that as I understand it the only way to make this work is to use the Visual Basic programming language to create your own instructions to show or hide the sheets.

I am sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Kind regards,

Mon 4 Nov 2013: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Hiding and unhiding columns using the keyboard

CTRL + 0 hides your columns and CTRL + SHIFT + ) unhides them although you would need to highlight the column letters either side as per normal

View all Excel hints and tips

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