pivit tables

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Pivit tables

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2010

Ro has attended:
Excel Intermediate course
Excel Advanced course

Pivit tables

Hi - this is a question for Anthony who tool the Advanced Excel course on July 10th.

On the course we were looking at pivot tables and you did something which got each region separated out on a different tab which would be really useful - but I've already forgotten how to do this and was obviously so astounded by it I didn't write it down! Please can you let me know how to do this?

Also where can I access the course content slides?



RE: Pivit tables

Hi Ro, good to hear from you. If you want to separate the Regions into separate tabs, make sure the "Region" field is dropped into the Report Filter Field. Then on the Options tab, choose the Options drop down on the left hand side and choose "Show Report Filter Pages". The rest should be obvious!

The course material should be accessible via your delegate account, so have a nose around at the top of the screen (look for "Downloads") when you log in. If you have any other problems drop info@stl-training.co.uk an email and they will assist.

All the best,



Excel tip:

Select Single Data Marker

To select a single data marker in a chart, ie line, bar or column;
After you have pressed Ctrl+Click (to select the entire chart) you can press the Up or Down arrows to select a data series, then press the Left or Right arrow to select a data point within that series.

View all Excel hints and tips

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