anthony excel spreadsheet

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Anthony - Excel Spreadsheet given in course today | Excel forum

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2007

Samantha has attended:
Excel Intermediate course

Anthony - Excel Spreadsheet given in course today

Hi Anthony

How goes it with the spreadsheet I gave you today, has your Hogwarts wand managed to magically produce the chart I need... :-)

Great day today, thanks


RE: Anthony - Excel Spreadsheet given in course today

Hi Samantha. The spreadsheet disables active content when I open it and strips out the data we used on the training day. Can you send another copy to and tell them to forward it to me.

Many thanks,


RE: Anthony - Excel Spreadsheet given in course today

Any news on the spreadsheet that I emailed over last week...

RE: Anthony - Excel Spreadsheet given in course today

Hi Samantha, sorry for the delay I've been off sick this week. I haven't received the spreadsheet yet but I'll drop the office and email and get them to forward it onto me if they have received it.


RE: Anthony - Excel Spreadsheet given in course today

Hi Anthony.

Man Flu! LOL Hope you're better.

Thanks, hope to hear from you soon.


RE: Anthony - Excel Spreadsheet given in course today

Sorry Samantha, could you email again to and mark the file for my attention. We're having trouble tracking it down.


RE: Anthony - Excel Spreadsheet given in course today

Any news?

Fri 6 Jul 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


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