freezing panes

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Freezing panes

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2010

Lara has attended:
Excel Introduction course

Freezing panes

How do I freeze panes an excel spreadsheet?

RE: Freezing panes

Hi Lara

Thanks for your question

First select the cell that is immediately below the last row you want frozen and to the right of the last column you want frozen.

Then go to the View ribbon and click on freeze panes in the window group

Hope this helps



Tue 19 Jul 2011: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Shortcut keys to move between sheets

Instead of clicking on a sheet tab to view a sheet, use the following keyboard shortcuts to move between sheets in the same file:

Ctrl + Page Down - Switch to the next worksheet (to the right)

Ctrl + Page Up - Switch to the previous worksheet (to the left)

View all Excel hints and tips

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