convert dates serial

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Convert dates to Serial

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Pedro has attended:
Excel VBA Intro Intermediate course

Convert dates to Serial


The Question:
How can I convert a date stored as string into a serial format?

Why I need it:
I found that to update the values of a pivot according to a date using VBA the date have to be in serial format.

I use this code to do that:

Workbooks(Name).Sheets("Zara").Range("G28").Value = PT.GetPivotData("Sum of Average", "Company", 1, "YearMonth", pivot_date).Value

I got the date as a string in a cell and I tried to conver it into serial using the Format function with 'c' but it didn't work

pivot_date=Format(str_date, c)

There is other way to convert String Into Serial(date)?

Pedro F. Pardo

RE: Convert dates to Serial

Hi Pedro, I think I answered this in a separate query reply. Do you have what you need to do this?


Wed 29 Jun 2011: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Excel tip:

DATEDIF function

The DATEDIF function is a worksheet function that computes the difference between two dates. This function is documented only in the help files for Excel 2000. It isn't documented in Excel 2002.
the formula function is:
=DATEDIF(Your age,Today(),"Y")
Y stands for year

View all Excel hints and tips

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