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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

Claire has attended:
PowerPoint Intermediate Advanced course


How do i make images smaller!!!

RE: Images

Hi Claire,

Thank you for your question.

Do you mean changing the size of the image, e.g. if the image is 1 megabyte and it is too large to send by email?

If you select the Picture, go to the Format tab of the Picture Tools option. Navigate to the Adjust group and choose Compress picture. Select the appropriate size.

If you mean how do you reduce the size of the image, use the resizing handles(Circles) to reduce the size. Use the diagonal handles to keep the proportions.

You can also Crop an image to make it smaller, by selecting the image, go to Format tab of the Picture Tools and click Crop. Use the Crop handles to remove parts of the image you do not want to see.

I hope this answers your question.



Tue 3 Mar 2009: Automatically marked as resolved.


PowerPoint tip:

Blank The Screen During a Presentation

You sometimes need eye-to-eye contact with your audience, so to remove the temptation of the presentation screen behind you, blank out the screen.

Ctrl+B blacks the screen out, and use it again to continue.

Ctrl+W whites the screen, but be careful not to use this in a dark room. You may blind your audience with a strong white light.

View all PowerPoint hints and tips

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