variable and varient

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Variable and Varient

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Owen has attended:
Excel VBA Intro Intermediate course

Variable and Varient

Whats is the difference?

RE: Variable and Varient

Hi Owen

Thank you for your question.

A Variant is a type of variable that will allow any type of data from a simple integer to the workbook object to to be stored. It has the disadvantage that you code will be slower if you only use Variants and do not use variable types.


Laura GB

Wed 28 Jan 2009: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Excel tip:

LARGE and SMALL functions and their uses

Two of Excel's most common functions are the MAX and MIN functions which will display the largest (MAX) or smallest (MIN) value in a series. What if you need the 2nd or 3rd largest or smallest values instead of the largest or smallest?

The =LARGE(array,n) returns the nth largest value of a series.

The =SMALL(array,n) function returns the nth smallest value of a series.

In both functions, 'n' represents the order of the number you want to display. For example, putting in 2 as n will give you the second highest number; putting in 3 as n will give you the third highest number.

View all Excel hints and tips

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