excel page numbers into

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Excel page numbers into variables

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2003

Roy has attended:
Excel VBA Intro Intermediate course

Excel page numbers into variables

I want to get the page number that a given cell in the current print selection will appear on into a variable or a cell outside the print area - how can this be done?

RE: Excel page numbers into variables

Hi Roy

Thanks for the question, its a tricky one.

There is no easy property or method of a cell to tell you which page it is on. There are ways of calculating it but they are complex.

To find out if a cell is in the print area you can use

not intersect(range("d1"),Range("print_area")) is nothing

which will return True if D1 is inside the print area. This only works if a print area has been setup.

Does that help atall?

Laura GB

RE: Excel page numbers into variables

Hi Laura,

Thanks for the reply - useful to know but doesn't achieve what I'm trying to do, which is to make sure an index page in a multi page report matches the page numbers Excel will use when it prints it (the greyed 'watermark' that shows when using the page break preview.)

So as Excel knows what page numbers it will use, I'm trying to get it to tell me.

How complex is the way of calculating it?


RE: Excel page numbers into variables

Hi Roy

I have found a vba function that will calculate the page numbers. It has a flaw in that it will not recalculate correctly unless you go and edit the cell, but it does work quite well otherwise.

Function PageNumber() As Integer

Dim VPC As Integer
Dim HPC As Integer
Dim VPB As VPageBreak
Dim HPB As HPageBreak
Dim NumPage As Integer

'Decide which way to count thge pages
If ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Order = xlDownThenOver Then
HPC = ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks.Count + 1
VPC = 1
VPC = ActiveSheet.VPageBreaks.Count + 1
HPC = 1
End If

NumPage = 1

'Count the pages up and down
For Each VPB In ActiveSheet.VPageBreaks
If VPB.Location.Column > ActiveCell.Column Then Exit For
NumPage = NumPage + HPC
Next VPB

'Count the pages across
For Each HPB In ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks
If HPB.Location.Row > ActiveCell.Row Then Exit For
NumPage = NumPage + VPC
Next HPB

PageNumber = NumPage

End Function

I hope that helps.

Laura GB


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