combining style sheetsselectors

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Combining style sheets/selectors

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

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Combining style sheets/selectors


Is is possible to mix a style which has been determined via a pseudo selector. For example, could I have a hyperlink on screen which, when I hover, the text goes red and underlined, but elsewhere ON THE SAME PAGE, I have another hyperlink where hovering changes the text to blue italics. Icannot "see" how this is done because the a:hover pseudo-selector seems to be "reserved" so I cannot have two different hover actions but, even if I could have two, how do I stop both hovers being applied to the whole page (and one therefore over-wirting the other) if I am trying to apply it to just one section of the page.

If this sounds confusing, please email me for more details/examples.

Many thanks

RE: Combining style sheets/selectors

Hi Colin

Thank you for your question and welcome to the forum.

This is something that we could possibly advise on in a consultancy capacity, it is beyond the scope of what we can answer within the forum because it is a question of a technical nature.

We can supply a quote for this if you contact our enquiries team:


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