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MS Office eLearning Solution Supports Staff at London South Bank University

Case Study for:
London South Bank University

Learning solution:
Microsoft Office


Company Profile

London South Bank University (LSBU) is a public university located in Southwark, London. It has over 19,000 students and 1,700 staff, and was established in 1892 originally as the "Borough Polytechnic Institute".

Business Requirement

The LSBU ICT training team noticed a growing requirement from staff for Microsoft Office training. Typically training would be delivered face-to-face with scheduled open training sessions. But as demand was increasing the training team knew they would be stretched to deliver to staff and not compromise their other services.

It was decided that the best route would be to provide online training as a first stop learning resource for staff.


After assessing several leading eLearning products, LSBU finally settled on Clip Training provided by STL.

When asked what were the main drivers for final product selection, head of training, Tilesh Chudasma related:

“We knew were looking for a product that was best of breed in terms of online training and that could be supported by a provider for a fully blended learning solution. This is what Clip Training and STL were able to do”

Tilesh went onto to relate some features that they were looking for and found with Clip Training and STL:

An intuitive learning platform - “we needed something with easy administration and usability”

Something that was flexible - “having an LMS which we can upload our own content to is a real bonus”

Easy to follow training videos, short and concise - “our staff have demanding schedules”

Accessible 24/7 - “staff can access anytime, anywhere, at their desks or their iPads”

Assessments/ exams - “it’s important we can keep a track of learning progress. Also the assessments help us plan face to face learning sessions to address specific needs.”

A large training library - “compared with others, we were impressed with the scope of training titles available. Not just MS Office, but also Apple, Android and more. If a member of staff gets a new iPad, they can get their training straight away on their actual iPad!”

Service and support -

“I can’t stress enough how much we were impressed by the support provided by both STL and Clip Training. We felt our best interests were being looked after at every stage, questions were followed up rapidly, and they really took on board all our critique from the product trials we ran.
Also having UK based support was another big plus for us, something not provided by others we reviewed.”


“We can see that this eLearning implementation will address staff training needs enabling us to focus on other business critical areas. In the months ahead we are confident that our initial investment will be delivering considerable cost savings”

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-Tilesh Chudasama
OSDT Projects Lead (ICT)
London South Bank University

The future - “We see STL and Clip Training as a longterm provider for our blended learning strategy and look forward to working with them on related projects. I would happily recommend these people to any organisation looking for quality and comprehensive training solutions.”


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