We all know what it feels like to hear the alarm ringing its head off at 6am especially when we are sure that it is faulty because if feels as though we have only been in bed for two minutes. We anxiously shake the noisy contraption and fiddle around to find our watch, certain that the clock must be faulty but your watch clarifies the worst...it really is 6am and time to rise and shine.

You fall out of bed and onto the floor, wondering how you are going to make it through the day and life just seems to go downhill from there. But imagine how it would feel to be waiting for that alarm clock to go off? You step out of bed, fully awake and cannot detect any signs of sleepiness and going back to bed is the last thing on your mind. As you prepare for the day, your mind starts to reboot and you may recall a dream that you had or a task may pop into your head which you forgot to complete yesterday. Your start to focus on how you will spend the day, then are fully functional and ready to roll.

Mornings are a beautiful time to count your blessings, the family is sleeping, the birds are singing and you can actually hear yourself think! This is when you can shower in peace, read something inspiring, sit and enjoy a healthy breakfast or even work on the next chapter of your novel...all of this and it isn't even 8 0'clock. Adopting this sort of routine every day will help instil some massive improvements to your life which will quickly become a natural way to live.

The habits you adopt throughout your day have a significant effect on your sleeping pattern. Therefore, a daily routine of caffeine, salt, sugar and junk food will cause you to have restless nights which can affect your mood, concentration and physical well being.

Pack your day with a plentiful supply of fruit and vegetables and you will not regret it when your head nestles into the pillow. Caffeine and sugar are two substances that we consume in large doses. They are also the cause of our mood swings. Someone who is fuelled by coffee or has large doses of sugar will sleep poorly at night as these foods act as stimulants.

Within just fifteen minutes of downing a coffee, the adrenalin rises, heart rate increases, breathing becomes rapid and there is often an urge to empty the bladder. This is the complete opposite of how you want your body to feel when you are trying to sleep. Many depend upon their early morning coffee as it produces a quick high but as the hours pass, they start to feel themselves going down in the doldrums. Just one coffee is all it takes to make it harder to drift off to sleep and people wake with a grogginess akin to a hangover.

Stop confusing your body and mind and cut down or reduce your intake of processed foods, caffeine and sugar. Nowadays, it is easy to reach for a quick fix snack and wash it down with a sugar loaded drink but waking up feeling groggy and eating groggy food go together. This is why many people think that those who wake early are either weird, over-achievers or genetically tuned to open those peepers at the crack of dawn. Early risers look upon people who are super glued to their duvets as having drugged their bodies into a coma like trance.

Make the last meal of the day something light and satisfying. To sleep, you need to be both physically and mentally relaxed. Sleep is a time when the body will detoxify itself and undertake valuable repair work. Therefore, a heavy meal will mean more time spent digesting and less time on restorative matters. Someone who has consumed a large meal in the evening will more likely wake feeling out of sorts. If you enjoy a meal at night, prepare something vegetarian as it takes the body much longer to digest meat. If you really want that steak, ensure that it is consumed at least three hours before you go to bed.

Fruit and vegetables which are low in sugar content such as peppers, avocados and tomatoes, make the ideal supper. Vegetable salads (especially organic) make the perfect evening treat along with steamed vegetables. Less processed foods take less time to digest which means that you will wake happier and your psychology will not become misaligned throughout the day. Vegetables can be eaten right up to bedtime and will not interfere with sleep.

Along with a healthy diet, you should also cram in some exercise. This does not entail a full workout at the gym every day. A brisk 20 minute walk or a lap round the block with the dog, will easily help you to sleep sounder and wake earlier, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

So instead of reaching for the coffee first thing in the morning, reach for the dog lead, or walk up and down the stairs for ten minutes, even take a short sprint to the newsagents to pick up a paper...you will find that you concentrate better throughout the day. A little bit of exercise every single day is a much healthier energy boost than a coffee shot at 8am and there will be no crash and burn later on.

Rise and shine at the same time every day including the weekends and the habit will stay. Try it for 30 days and you will be less inclined to return to your old ways. Use an alarm clock to wake you at a set time and you will not fall into the habit of sleeping longer than you intended or having an extra hour rest on the weekend. Often, people follow this plan throughout the week but throw all of their good intentions out of the window when the weekend appears.

Waking up and feeling good should be something that you want to experience every single day and not just throughout the week. Those who follow the Monday to Friday rule, generally feel groggier when they stay in bed that extra hour as they have conditioned their body to rise early every single day.

Allow your internal body clock to tell you when it is time to make some zzz's. There is nothing worse than regimenting yourself to a set bed time and then spending an hour trying to drift off. If you are genuinely tired, you should be able to drop off within a few minutes. When you start to feel that gentle nudge which beckons you to slip into your pyjamas, you are more likely to sleep sounder than someone who is tucked up at 9pm every single night.

Make the mornings a time to look forward to and you will want to fling back the duvet and start your day, every single day. There is nothing worse than waking at 6am and spending 20 minutes anticipating the process of getting up.

Give yourself a great morning wake-up call doing something that you enjoy. It could be meditating, working on a home based business idea, listening to music, even watching that TV programme in peace...anything which you can do uninterrupted and gain pleasure from will prompt you out of bed.

Waking every morning alert and energised is a habit which will benefit you for many years to come. Get your mornings off to a good start and the rest of the day will prove to be less challenging both physically and mentally. Try it for thirty days and you will never yearn for that Sunday lie in again.