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Professional And Management: Feng Shui Can Make Every Day Profitable And Successful
Thu 24th March 2011
In a professional environment, the simple aesthetics of a room can help both mentally and physically to make every working hour flow smoothly and effortlessly. Whether you are looking to secure that dream job or simply wanting to make every day a profitable one feng shui can play an enormous part in contributing to your personal success.
When you are ready to slip your feet under the executive desk of that job which will satisfy both your professional, emotional and financial needs, fen shui can assist you in finding such a role. First, you need to print out a bagua, which can be found with your favourite search engine. A bagua is a coloured chart in the shape of an octagon which is divided into eight sections . The syllable 'Ba' means eight and 'Gua' means sections. Each of the eight sections symbolizes specific areas of your life such as wealth, children, fame, family, relationships, knowledge, career and helpful friends. There is also a ninth position which can be found in the direct centre of the bagua...this symbolizes you. By using the bagua you can work out which areas of your house need to be worked on to improve the professional life that you aspire to achieve.
If you are looking for the perfect job which will take you one step higher on the career ladder and add some more weight to your bank balance, hold the bagua close to your waist and stand in the doorway of your home. Using your print out ensure that the sections marked wisdom, career, friendly people are facing towards you. To determine the areas of the house that correspond to the various eight sectors, you need to ascertain whether your doorway is facing the right, left or centre of a room. The left centre represents the wisdom area, the middle career and the right stands for friendly people. This will make it easy for you to determine the other six sectors of the bagua within your room.
You need to wake up determined to find that new job every single day. Browse online for an alarm clock which does not wake you with a start and put you into stress mode first thing in the morning! Look for something which gently oozes you into the swing of the day with enlightening, energizing sounds that make you feel blessed for being part of another 24 hours to make your personal imprint on the world.
Keep lighting subtle so as your body can slowly adjust from the darkness and into the day by installing a dimmer switch or using shaded bulbs. You wouldn't expect to wake up in the middle of the night with a floodlight beaming on your face, so don't expect your body to adjust to such extremities first thing in the morning.
If you are already employed but looking for that promotion at work or desperately trying to generate new profits for your own business you simply need to use the bagua method above to find out where the wealth and career sections are located in the room. The wealth area is purple and gold coloured and corresponds to the element of wood. The career section is coloured black and connected to water.
Now all you need to do is place objects which represent those elements in the associated areas. For example, you might want to fill a crystal bowl with water and locate it in your career sector. Your wealth area could be magnetised with a feng shui money tree, decorated with gold coins to represent the leaves. The bark of the tree will symbolize solid, dependable and earthy wood undertones which emulate growth and power.
Everything in your office has its own energy level and it is important to position every single object correctly in order to maximise growth and prosperity.
The way you position your desk could have a massive impact on the people who enter your business world. If you align your desk directly in front of the door, you make yourself openly vulnerable to anyone who steps through. By positioning your desk so as you are opposite the door but not directly sat in front of it, you allow yourself a few moments for composure and can psychologically prepare for any unexpected confrontation or a prospective new client without that element of surprise being thrust before you. Positioning your desk this way will allow the smooth flow of Chi energy to influence your business decisions in a positive way
Whenever you start work in a new office or decide to work from home, you need to ensure that your workstation is organized in such a way as to create an ambience which will draw out your skills and allow you to work in peace and harmony. Now that you know where to position your desk, you might want to start looking at the material it should be made from. Wood symbolizes stability, encourages creativeness, improves career prospects and helps with concentration. It also creates a sense of strong reliability and improves growth with new clients and future developments.
The desk should be adequately sized to suit immediate needs...therefore it should feel easy to navigate with plenty of arm and leg room.
Now for the shape...
A half moon or rounded desk: The perfect shape for creative souls whose career is based on writing, design or artistry.
Square or rectangular: Adds even greater strength to wood and emanates a feeling of extreme confidence and assurance.
Smooth curved shapes: Ideal work centres for individuals who wish to encourage wealth.
With regard to colours, look for dark blue desks or blacks which draw in prosperity. Dark red is also a good choice as it is highly energising and stimulates activeness.
Make sure that you fill the office with an eye-catching display of feng shui plants to purify the air and fill it with healthy, refreshing oxygen:
Rubber Plant: Known under its scientific name as Ficus Robusta. This sturdy, leafy shrub will cleanse the office of most pollutants and toxins.
English Fern: Known scientifically as Nephrolepis Exaltata Bostoniensis, this is another great way to remove pollutants which stem from electrical appliances. This plant also creates beautiful, lush foliage that looks great in the office.
Peace Lily: Ask in the nursery for Spathiphyllum sp. This pretty looking plant boasts gentle, delicate flowers and is very easy to care for. Fill the office with strong peaceful energy that this leafy wonder radiates.
Now let's take a look at the walls in your work space as they need to be located in such a way as to allow a clean flow of energy and thus enhance positive feelings. Walls have to be used correctly or they can block or even stop the flow of positive energy and thus thwart your creativity or productivity. Take a look at the wall you see when you first open the office door...does it fill you with joy for another working day? If not, make it an aim to make this wall jump out at you with bubbly, vibrant elation by hanging some breathtaking art or erecting a plant shelf and lining it with lush, green colour, you could even just paint this wall with vibrant colours that dance out at you.
Whilst you are sat at your desk, ensure that the wall facing you is unblocked by hanging it with personal pictures or photo's which inspire you...you could even hang it with certificates you have achieved or awards/diplomas that you have been awarded.
It is easy to assume that stress in the workplace arises from outside situations but it is often the hidden stresses lurking within the office which can often cause the most damage. By re-arranging your office furniture feng shui style you can increase the level of positive energy flow and regain that personal power which will allow you to achieve great things effortlessly.
Crystals are a great way to cleanse a toxic office as they boost the energy of both the room and the people working within that environment. To draw out money and success invest in some bloodstone crystals which will create a feeling of strong dedication and determination to succeed...Bloodstone bursts open the doors of opportunity, tears down barriers and flattens any hurdles. Managers should have lapis lazuli and amethyst crystals in their office environment. These two wondrous gems will help with making sound judgements and allow the individual to delegate with clarity.
Ametrine...wear this stone as a ring or pop it in the pocket of your jacket to help make the right decisions with regard to your career.
Writers and creative's....Adorn your desk with amethyst to increase the flow of creativity and allow inspiration to carry you on a tidal wave of success.
Topaz...The perfect stone for all you 'go getters' to keep spirits rocketing and energy high.
Tiger Eye and Citrine...These are the perfect gem stones for anyone wishing to start up in business as they initiate foresight.
Malachite...For all you sales managers and marketing executives. Pop some of these crystals into your briefcase or wear them as a pendant close to the throat for improving sales targets.
These are just a few suggestions and a tiny insight into the way that feng shui can make a possible impact on your business life. Start by making some small changes every single day. When you reflect back three months from now, you will see how these practical changes have contributed greatly to your productivity, success and personal well-being.
Author is a freelance copywriter. For more information on organisational skills course, please visit https://www.stl-training.co.uk
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