importing data multiple excel

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Importing data from multiple excel files

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2016

Zeesha has attended:
Excel VBA Introduction course

Importing data from multiple excel files


I have written the VBA code below to collate data from multiple excel files into one worksheet of a master file. Can you please advise if there is anything I can do to speed up the process because I may need to import data from around 400 files. Any advice will be much appreciated. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks very much.

'Worksheets & Workbooks-------

Public src As Workbook
Public wsData As Worksheet
Public wsRaw As Worksheet

'Directories & Files---------

Public strImportDir As String
Public strImportFile As String

Sub ImportDataRaw() 'Import data from recording forms

Dim i As Integer
Dim lLastRow As Long

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

strImportDir = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Import\" 'Directory for data file

strImportFile = Dir(strImportDir & "\*" & "xlsx") 'Type of file to import from directory

Set wsRaw = Application.ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Raw Data") 'Worksheet where data needs to be imported


lLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 6).End(xlUp).Row 'Last row of wsRaw

i = lLastRow + 1

Do While Len(strImportFile) > 0

Set src = Workbooks.Open(strImportDir & strImportFile) 'set src as data file in import folder

Set wsData = src.Worksheets("Data") 'set wsData as worksheet that contains data to import

ThisWorkbook.Activate 'Activate template

wsRaw.Range(wsRaw.Cells(i, 1), wsRaw.Cells(i, 12)).Value2 = wsData.Range("A2:L2").Value2 'copy values

Workbooks(strImportFile).Close SaveChanges:=False 'Close data files and do not save changes

i = i + 1 'Next data file

strImportFile = Dir


Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

RE: Importing data from multiple excel files

Hi Zeesha,

Thank you for the forum question.

If you use an array the code will run faster. There is a folder picker in my code.

I hope the code makes sense.

Option Explicit
Sub MergeAllWorkbooks()
'variable to store information in the computer's memory

Dim FolderPath As String 'store the folderpath in the computer's memory
Dim FileName As String 'store the file name inthe computer's memory
Dim WorkBk As Workbook 'store the name of each workbook in the computer's memory
Dim blankrow As Integer 'store the row number of the first blank row in destination sheet
Dim varAllData As Variant 'array. Will store all records from the source workbooks

'speed up macro. Stops Excel from updating screen while macro is running
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'stops Excel from showing dialog boxes while running macro.
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

'open the select directory dialog box
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
.AllowMultiSelect = False

'"IF THEN ELSE" decision code. If folder is selected then store the folder path in the variable folderpath

If .Show = -1 Then '-1 = yes or true
FolderPath = .SelectedItems(1) & "\"

'if folder is not selected the user will get a mesaage box and Excel will exit the macro

MsgBox "FilePath not selected!", , "Path selecter"
Exit Sub
End If

End With

' Call Dir the first time, pointing it to all Excel files in the folder path.
FileName = Dir(FolderPath & "*.xl*")

' Loop until Dir returns an empty string.
Do While FileName <> ""
' Open a workbook in the folder
Set WorkBk = Workbooks.Open(FolderPath & "\" & FileName)
'add all data from eack workbook to the array
varAllData = WorkBk.Sheets(1).Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Offset(1, 0)
'will select the right destination sheet
'find the first blank row
blankrow = Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 1
'"Empty" the array onto destination starting from column A and will get the right row number from the variable blankrow
'resize the destination for the data stored in the array varAllData
Range("A" & blankrow).Resize(UBound(varAllData, 1), UBound(varAllData, 2)) = varAllData

' Close the source workbook without saving changes.
WorkBk.Close savechanges:=False

' Use Dir to get the next file name.
FileName = Dir()
'end of loop


End sub

Kind regards

Jens Bonde
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

Tel: 0207 987 3777
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RE: Importing data from multiple excel files

Hi Jens,

That's great, thanks for posting a solution so quickly. It's much appreciated.



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Excel tip:

New Normal Worksheet

Do you want all your worksheets to confirm to a certain look? Then change the Defaults!!!
1. Press Shift+F11 to create a new worksheet
2. Press Ctrl+A to select (higlight) all cells, Press Ctrl+1, make any formatting changes then click OK.
3. Press F12 (Function 12 key) click in the Save As Type, drop down, then select Template (*.xlt)
4. Click in the Save in drop-down, then find the folder; c:_program files_microsoft office_office_start. (For the underscores shown use backslash)
Name your templete sheet.xlt, then press Enter.
Sheet.xlt is used when you insert a new worksheet (Shift+F11)

Note: These changes are permanent changes on your PC.

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