creating report template through

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Creating a report template through Excel VBA Forms | Excel forum

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2019

Creating a report template through Excel VBA Forms


I want to create a report so users can select what fields they want to extract data, similar to Pivot but more user friendly.

Users can select which fields they want and it will run.

Data is also in different tabs, can this be done through 'Forms'?


RE: Creating a report template through Excel VBA Forms

Hi Yiota,

Yes, this is very possible.

You can give your users a user form and use options, checkboxes or multiselect list boxes to select what they want to be included in their report.

Once the user presses OK you can use IF THEN ELSE or Select Case to determine which actions match those selections.

If you can express the logic then you can create the report using a User Form to choose what is included.

Are you creating the report from scratch? Where is your original data? Are you selecting the data and copying to an empty sheet?

Please let me know if you need further help. I suspect that building the user form is the easier part of this problem.


RE: Creating a report template through Excel VBA Forms

Hi Claire

Thanks for this, can you please just give me the code. For example, data is in column A and I want to link the command / filter to that column and return the data, selected range from form, like a date range.

That's where I'm getting confused.

Thank you!

RE: Creating a report template through Excel VBA Forms

Hi Yiota,

You're going to need something like this on your OK button:

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()

If optFirst = True Then

Range(Range("A1"), Selection.End(xlDown)).Copy Range("H1")

End If

Unload UserForm1

End Sub

This is working on the assumption that the selection related to optFirst is found in A1 and you'd select all the way to the bottom of that range. Then you copy it to another location, H1 in the example.
As I don't know what your spreadsheet looks like I can't be more specific.
Hope this helps.


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Tue 10 Mar 2020: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Excel tip:

How to select certain data in an Excel 2010 workbook

If you want to select the correct data set in a page full of data, the most accurate and efficient way of doing this is to use the ''Shift and Click'' technique.

For example: If you want to select all data in cells A2 to E10, then click on cell A2, hold down the Shift key and click on cell E10 and all the data you want to see is highlighted.

Keep holding down the Shift key and you can move from cell E10 to any other cell in the spreadsheet.

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