userdefined functions

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User-defined functions

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2007

Quang has attended:
Excel VBA Advanced course

User-defined functions

I have a number of user-defined functions written in VBA and then saved as an Add-in.

I recently added one additional variable input to these functions. The functions seem to work (i.e. don't return an error), but the problem is when I alter the value of the new input, the function doesn't response, i.e. the function's result doesn't change. Automatic calculation is on and I pressed F9 too.

I noted the function did response when I changed the value of one of the old input variables.

Could you think of any reasons? Very appreciate!

Thank you.

RE: User-defined functions

Hello Quang,

without viewing the code in its context, often people forget to take advantage of the line:
this will force the code to run for non trigger commands, such as Now() function that changes daily but does not "force" a refresh, so making the UDF voliatile may help.
Try including the Application.Volatile on the first line of code. question as resolved.

If you require further assistance, please reply to this post. Or perhaps you have another Microsoft Office question?

Have a great day.

Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

Mon 3 Sep 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


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