vba functions difference

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Vba functions - difference between times in hours | Excel forum

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2007

Steven has attended:
Access Intermediate course

Vba functions - difference between times in hours


I am trying to write a function which gives me the amount of hours an employee is scheduled to work on any given day.

I have a start time formatted as time (like 08:00) and a finish time (like 16:00) in the same format.

Directly in the excel sheet i can apply the formula -
=TEXT(finishtime - starttime,"H") and this works fine and would return 8 for the hours above.

in vba i have written the following funtion -


Function shiftTime(FT As Date, ST As Date) As Integer

shiftTime = (FT - ST)

End Function

This is returning 0, i think because of formatting?

How could i write the function similar to the excel formula example i have given? I have tried inserting the word TEXT and the "H" but does not seem to work in any combination i have tried.


RE: vba functions - difference between times in hours

Hi Steve. You're almost there:

Function shiftTime(FT As Date, ST As Date) As Integer

shiftTime = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text((FT - ST), "H")

End Function

Hope this helps,


RE: vba functions - difference between times in hours

Thanks Anthony,

Worked perfectly!



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