certificate excel vba intermedia

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Certificate- Excel VBA Intermediate

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2007

Edited on Fri 18 May 2012, 15:49

Ajit has attended:
Excel VBA Intro Intermediate course

Certificate- Excel VBA Intermediate

I had undertaken the Excel VBA intermediate course in Bloomsbury on 26th and 27th April 2012, taught by Mr. Anthony Malone. [Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the course and found Anthony to be a very knowledgeable and fun teacher].

The reason for this post is that I wanted to get a certificate for the course. I had earlier contacted BestSTL about this twice via e-mail inquiries but didn't get a response. Kindly let me know how long will it take for issuing the certificate ?

Mr. Ajit Pratap Singh.
Scitegrity Limited.

RE: Certificate- Excel VBA Intermediate

Hi Ajit. Thank you for your compliments and apologies for the delay in sending your certificate. We are literally printing them right now, so it should get to you in the next day or two.

All the best,


Mon 28 May 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Excel tip:

Moving between Worksheets without using the mouse

Use the 'Ctrl+PgDn' and 'Ctrl+PgUp' keys.

'Ctrl+PgDn' will move to the right and 'Ctrl+PgUp' will move to the left one worksheet at a time.

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