excel vba

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Excel VBA

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2007

Jack has attended:
Excel Advanced course
Excel VBA Intro Intermediate course
Excel VBA Advanced course

Excel VBA

How do I take VBE modules from one Excel file and apply it to another Excel file without type all the coding again?


RE: Excel VBA

Hi Jack, thanks for your query. Remember that the code is just straight text so you can copy and paste it directly into new modules. However, the following should walk you through copying modules directly from one workbook to another.


Hope this helps,


RE: Excel VBA

Thanks Anthony for the reply. I followed the link you sent, when i click on view/project explorer, nothing happens.

I have the destination workbook opened, but it is not showing up in the VBE when I clock project explorer.


RE: Excel VBA

Hi Jack. Are you trying to important the VBA into a 2007 .xlsx file (it won't let you, you need to import it into a macro-enabled file)? Also, is there any security attached to the VBA already in the destination spreadsheet.

It may be quicker to create a new module and simply copy and paste the code across....

Hope this helps,



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Excel tip:

Hide data in Excel Worksheets

Let's say you have some data in cell 'C5' you would like to hide from the casual viewer.

Click cell 'C5' to select it.

Click the 'Format' menu, select 'Cells'. When the 'Format Cells' dialogue box opens, click the 'Numbers' tab (if necessary), then select 'Custom' from the 'Category' list.

Double-click the 'Type' entry box and type three semi-colons: ";;;"

Click 'OK' to close the dialogue box and accept the new formatting.

The data in cell 'C5' disappears. It's still there and will work in calculations, but it isn't visible.

If you need to check the data, just click the blank cell and the contents appear in the 'Formula bar'.

View all Excel hints and tips

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