loop through selected worksheeet

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Loop through selected worksheeets with select case | Excel forum

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2002/XP

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Loop through selected worksheeets with select case


I am trying to loop through selected worksheets, using a select case statement to exclude the unwanted worksheets. I have the below code but it doesn't loop at all; it just updates the active sheet. Could you let me know where I am going wrong? "Copied Sheeet" is the name of the worksheet I want to exclude.

Thank you - Jenny.

Sub LoopWorkSheets()

Dim mySheet As Worksheet

For Each mySheet In Worksheets

Select Case mySheet.Name

Case "CopiedSheet"

Case Else

Range("A3").Font.Color = vbRed

End Select

Next mySheet

End Sub

RE: Loop through selected worksheeets with select case

You need to say:

mySheet.Range("A3").Font.Color = vbRed

If you just say Range("A3")... you get the range on the ActiveSheet.

Althernatively, you could do mySheet.Activate within the loop.

/Roy MacLean


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Excel tip:

Create a unique items table from a duplicating table

1. Ensure that your list has column headings
2. Select the entire list
3. From the menu bar, select DATA, FILTER, ADVANCED FILTER
4. Select "Filter the list, in place", and tick the "Unique Records Only" box
5. Click OK, filtered list appears.

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