Public Schedule Face-to-Face & Virtual Instructor-Led Training - View dates & book

Regent's College

Microsoft Access Consultancy

Case Study for:
Regent's College

Learning solution:


Company Profile

Regent's College provides academic excellence in the heart of London and offers world-class university facilities for students.

Business Requirement

A simple Access database had been created in house and security was required. Specifically it was necessary to allow multi user access to the database, and to restrict the objects that the individual users could view and edit. In addition it was necessary to closely limit design rights to a small number of users


After liaising with the database designer, it was decided to use the built in access workgroup security features. Specifically it was necessary to;-
• Create a customized workgroup security file
• Identify users and groups
• Allocate users to groups
• Allocate permissions to groups
• Split the database, and deploy the front ends to individual users
• Set up new workgroup file for each user
• Testing and debugging


• A secure database with the knowledge to further develop security for new users and groups
• Client gained knowledge about user group security and was able to disseminate this to their students

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