Hints and tips by Pete

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Hints and tips by Pete

Enter DatePowerPoint12 Mar 2007
Separate the year from a dateExcel12 Mar 2007
Formula for last day of monthExcel12 Mar 2007
Select Single Data MarkerExcel7 Mar 2007
Using Alt in Save Dialog BoxExcel7 Mar 2007
New Normal WorksheetExcel7 Mar 2007
Sorting List SubtotalsExcel4 Mar 2007
Manually rotating a 3D chartExcel4 Mar 2007
Shared Conditional FormattingExcel4 Mar 2007
Run presentation manuallyPowerPoint3 Mar 2007
Working with objectsPowerPoint3 Mar 2007
Moving ObjectsPowerPoint3 Mar 2007
Rotate an objectPowerPoint3 Mar 2007
What Transition Effect?PowerPoint3 Mar 2007
Hide Pointer in Slide ShowPowerPoint3 Mar 2007
Display hidden slidePowerPoint3 Mar 2007
Saving a Drawn Object as a picturePowerPoint3 Mar 2007
Multiple PresentationsPowerPoint3 Mar 2007
Text in an AutoShapePowerPoint3 Mar 2007
Hide Clipboard Task PanePowerPoint3 Mar 2007
Moving to next columnPowerPoint3 Mar 2007
Guidelines on or offPowerPoint26 Feb 2007
Keyboard Move to SlidePowerPoint26 Feb 2007
Open Presentation as a ShowPowerPoint26 Feb 2007
Send Notes Pages to WordPowerPoint26 Feb 2007
Title to PlaceholderPowerPoint26 Feb 2007
Show the DesktopWindows26 Feb 2007
Start a Program with Keyboard ShortcutsWindows26 Feb 2007
Where is the Desktop FolderWindows26 Feb 2007
Close a DocumentWord26 Feb 2007
Open Page Setup QuicklyWord26 Feb 2007
Print Two pages on one horizontal sheetWord26 Feb 2007
Table Headers on Subsequent PagesWord26 Feb 2007
Some Obscure Keyboard CommandsWord26 Feb 2007
Close All DocumentsWord26 Feb 2007
Inches to Centimenters and BackWord26 Feb 2007
Perfect Square or CircleWord26 Feb 2007
Move Toolbar buttonsWord26 Feb 2007
Duplicating an EntryAccess31 Jan 2007
No ZerosExcel26 Jan 2007

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