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resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2010

Kris has attended:
Project Intermediate course



I am trying to create a task bar (C) that would show the duration (gap) between the start date of task A and the start date of task B. The start date of task A will be movable but task B will be fixed. So it would need to calculate and adjust the duration. Task C basically needs to show how much time there we have to complete it but it will be dependent on when we start..


RE: Dependencies

please ignore the bars they do not make sens after clicking send..

RE: Dependencies

Hi Kris, thank you for your question. I hope I've understood your question correctly. What I think you need to do is:

Create Task C and mark it as a summary task. Then create Task A and set a duration and start date. Leave this task as As Soon As Possible (constraint).

Afterwards create Task B and set the duration and start date. Then, set the constraint for Task B to Must Start On. (for this, double click the task, go to Advanced)

Next, select Tasks A and B and indent them. It might be better not to link them at first.

Task C will now be a black bar which will keep showing the combined duration of Tasks A and B, even if you make changes to their durations.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards
Marius Barnard

Tue 13 Jun 2017: Automatically marked as resolved.


MS Project tip:

Autofit column width – Project (all versions)

At the top of the columns where each column name is located (Task Name, Duration, etc.), hover over the vertical column line which you want to move.

A short bold vertical line will appear, with horizontal arrows pointing left and right.

Left click and hold this icon and it will permit you to grab the column line, allowing you to move it left or right to your desired location.

View all MS Project hints and tips

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