Ten Tips for Managing Anger and Aggressive Behaviour

At time we are all faced with people who are displaying anger and aggressive behaviour. It can be, at best, uncomfortable and, at worst frightening and potentially dangerous.

In Ten Tips for Managing Anger and Aggressive Behaviour, we’ll look at ten things that can be done when confronted with this type of behaviour to minimise the risks for all those involved.

Managing Anger and Aggressive Behaviour
Over assertive communication skills
Tip One: Be empathic and non-judgemental.

You are only seeing the output of the person displaying these behaviours. It could be that, underneath, what they are dealing with is the most important thing in the world to them.

Remember the iceberg theory. A large percentage of what drives behaviour is hidden. We should never assume we fully understand. Instead we should listen, empathise, be non-judgemental and pay attention.

Tip Two: Respect personal space.

Allowing personal space tends to decrease a person’s anxiety, can help with conflict resolution and de-escalate angry or aggressive behaviours. Try and allow at least half a metre between you and the other person. If you must enter a person’s space to provide care and attention, be sure to explain what you are going to do and why.

Tip Three: Use non-threatening, non-verbal communication.

Be mindful of your gestures, facial expressions, movements and tone of voice. Keeping your tone and body language neutral will go a long way towards defusing the situation.

Tip Four: Avoid overreacting.

Remain calm, rational and professional. Whilst you can’t always control the other person’s behaviour, you can have a direct impact on whether the situation escalates or diffuses. Pay attention to your breathing, tone of voice, body language, choice of words etc.

Tip Five: Focus on feelings.

Evidence and facts are important but it’s how a person feels that is the likely driver behind angry and aggressive behaviour. Watch and listen carefully for the person’s real message. Empathise and ask questions that show you are at least trying to understand.

Tip Six: Ignore challenging questions.

In situations where a person is displaying angry or aggressive behaviour, they might use challenging questions as a way of getting a reaction from you and, thereby, justifying, in some way, their actions. It’s very important to recognise this and avoid where possible.

Ignore the challenge but not the person. Bring their focus back to how you can work together to solve the problem.

Tip Seven: Set limits.

Give the person clear, simple and enforceable limits. Offer concise and respectful choices and point out the consequences of not respecting these. Choose words, tone and body language carefully whilst doing this.

Tip Eight: Choose wisely what you insist upon.

It’s important to be thoughtful in deciding which rules are non- negotiable and which are not. In the workplace you may have some flexibility over which rules always need to be adhered to and which are more guidance based.

Tip Nine: Allow silence for reflection.

The power of silence. Silence can be an extremely effective communication tool. Allowing a person who is displaying angry or aggressive behaviour a period where they can reflect on what is happening can often be enough to help them calm down or at least start to behave a little more rationally.

Tip Ten: Allow time for decisions.

Most of us understand, usually because we’ve learned the hard way, that making decisions during times of heightened emotion usually isn’t the best course of action. When a person is angry, or displaying aggressive behaviour, it’s important to give them time to think more clearly and, therefore, make better decisions about what to do next.

During this post we’ve focused a lot on the importance of body language when faced with a person showing angry or aggressive behaviour. Enjoy this short video which provides more information on the subject.

Further Reading:

An article providing more information on how to recognise the signs of aggressive behaviour in the workplace.



Importance of Interpersonal Skills At Work

Interpersonal skills are ranked highly by managers. On a scale of 1 to 5, they come in at 4.37. The figure is very high as it comes in second on the list essential skills, beaten only by being able to work in a team. Carry on reading to find out why they are popular.

Why Are Interpersonal Skills So In Demand?

Due to the rise of technology, it’s tempting to assume that soft skills, such as the ability to communicate face-to-face, might be on the decline. After all, there is no need to talk in person when you can send an email or a message via an instant messenger platform. However, the reverse is true – communication skills are more vital than ever before. So, what’s behind the shift?


If anything, technology has made the need to connect with people in the workplace more vital because it’s dragged people further apart. We are only beginning to understand the negative impact of screen time on our relationships, and we’re now trying to make amends. Being able to use soft skills examples to relate to colleagues in the office and connect makes the workplace a less lonely place.

The Demands Of Modern Jobs

Modern businesses place more responsibility on the shoulders of their workers. Nowadays, employees can expect to work a full 3,000 plus days at their desk. And, there’s more – the average person will work almost 200 extra hours as a result of overtime. Then, there is the fact that remote work is feasible, so people are expected to do more from home. All this means you must have mental resilience if you can relate and connect to people.

Increased Collaboration

We mentioned how the ability to work in a team is the number one feature managers look for in recruits, and it impacts interpersonal skills too. Today, workers have to collaborate or risk ruining projects and getting fired. Being able to communicate, even if you don’t like a person, is vital in the course of doing your job effectively in 2020.

Woman Talking to Man about Interpersonal Skills

Standing Out From The Crowd

All of the above assumes you have a job, but what if you’re unemployed? Or what if you want to change professions and try something new? To secure a better position, you must interview well, and that’s where interpersonal skills come in handy. Modern recruiters look past a person’s CV and focus on their character, and they do it because hiring correctly is essential. Otherwise, it’s a waste of resources. Candidates who come across as charming and personable are more likely to get the job if there are multiple applicants for the role.

How To Enhance Your Interpersonal Skills

The key is to practise the traits that have the most significant impact in the workplace. Check out our blog post, “Ten Must-Have Soft Skills for Success.” Alternatively, we provide soft skills training to people who want to be more self-aware and ensure their body language is positive.

With our help, you can be a respectful, empathetic co-worker that others love.