The Secret to Managing People

When it comes to bringing a team together and giving them the same ambition, goal setting can be a powerful tool to sketch out time frames, responsibilities, the how and why, as well as the mechanism to measure success. Yet it is more than just scrawling out notes with headings and getting it agreed and signed off, it is using the correct dialogue that actively engages the other person.

This means that we must understand behaviour types to be at our most effective in managing others. Let’s look at the basic four types and the Secret to Managing People to get a better view of this concept.

The Secret to Managing People
The Action person

Focus on the results first, state your conclusion at the outset. These types require practicality and short briefs as they are action based and need to get things done now.

They don’t like to overly think things through just state your recommendations and the results you seek and let them work out the rest. Sometimes associated with the colour red and the term Driver, most CEO’s and leaders would fall into this category. Words they like – results, objectives, performance, productivity, efficiency.

The Process Person

They will be careful not to rush until all options have been considered, they love data and facts. These are the Logical people who like process and pro’s and con’s. They will be carefully organised and although extremely conscious of time frames, they will not like to be rushed.

They have a need for attention to detail and getting it right the first time. Often called the Blues or the Analysts, they love clear outlines and clear answers. Words they like – facts, procedures, organising, analysis, proof.

The People Person

Very much driven by the success of the team and the relationship process. You will have to allow for small talk to generate into the discussion and an informal environment. They will need to see how the idea may have worked in the past and the association between the process and the people concerned. Once they have the overall view of the team in action they will be a strong player in making things work.

Typically they are called the Greens’ or the Team Players, for very good reason. The words they like – needs, motivation, feelings, awareness, beliefs, values.

The Idea Person

Charismatic and chatty, they just love to be creative and extend process into broader concepts. Allow enough time as they may go off on tangents and let them express themselves. Try to relate topic to the bigger picture and emphasise the impact of the idea to the future. Stress their uniqueness to the team effort.

They are typically called Yellows or the Charismatic Motivator and anyone who has tried to talk facts and deadlines to them is just wasting their time. The words they like – concepts, innovation, creativity, opportunities, issues, potential, improving.

Now with these four types described it is a must that you identify there could be an overlap of at least two colours. With a strong yellow there would be a hint of red, with strong blue there would be a hint of green so listening to their views and opinions, the words they prefer is absolutely crucial in better understanding how to best approach and engage them.

In Summary

Understanding different personalities and behaviour styles, and of course adapting your style accordingly, truly can be the key to taking your management skills to the next level. If you are interested in developing these skills for the workplace, check out our Emotional Intelligence courses UK to learn more.

3 Powerful Leadership Habits

Everyone talks about leaders needing to have a clear direction, a company vision, compelling goals don’t they – but what if these things were overrated and/or not the only answer?

Here’s more – what if these sorts of leadership and management books were wrong, and something else was needed to get your team on board to deliver the changes your organisation needs.

Leadership habits, and not leadership strategy, might be part of the modern day answer. Here are 3 Powerful Leadership Habits to change your thinking.

3 Powerful Leadership Habits
Leadership training

Habits seem the new thing, it’s as if the science behind them is a new discovery.

For example, the British Cycling team used habits as an approach to gain incremental improvement. It has been key to their success. Habits has been a consistent approach to improving times, and from this winning medals.

They talked a lot about the process of marginal gain and how to apply it and improve.

How can habits benefit us at work?
Habits can relate to our behaviour and our attitude:-
  1. Our behaviour in what we do each day. We can develop leadership habits to support our success.
  2. Our attitude in terms of always being a learner. It’s helpful to have habits in being curious about how we can improve.
In his book “Atomic Habits”, James Clear has a step by step approach to develop habits. He says they need to be:
  • Obvious
  • Attractive
  • Easy
  • Satisfying

Making habits obvious, attractive, easy and satisfying is the way to help them become part of your identity – how you do things round here.

Most of us know what happens if our habits do not become part of who we are – our fitness regimes and BMI are quite often examples of when it goes wrong!

In contrast, an example of a good habit here would be to put your swimming costume on first thing to make sure you get to an early morning swim! (It might be a bit uncomfortable to wear it all day otherwise!)

Habits really are something to probe. What might the leadership habits be which would really benefit you to cultivate? How could you make part of your daily practice and an integral part of your identity as a manager and leader?

These are all skills developed on our STL Leadership and Mentoring courses, but first here are three things for you to consider:

  1. Communication Habits
    What could you do each day to improve your communication with your team? Could you give more immediate feedback on performance? Could you help your team anticipate and plan by sharing what is coming up or be more proactive generally? These daily communication habits will help your team succeed!
  2. Relationship Habits
    Are there tiny things you could do each day to develop, enhance and nurture your work based relationships? Habits that could strengthen their trust and performance? Remembering to say “Happy Birthday”, asking how a sick family member is or how someone’s holiday was can make a big difference to how willing someone else is in supporting your success.
  3. Emotional Intelligence Habits
    Could you make it a daily attitude to think about things from the other person’s pair of shoes? Rather than approaching tasks from your frame of reference, could you make it a habit to always listen and ask questions that might be useful for problem solving from their vantage point? You may find this makes a huge difference to outcomes and results.

These tiny changes could build a firm foundation from which you and your team can deliver results.

What would make you want to start today?