building formula

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Building formula

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 365

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Building formula


I'm looking to build a formula to use data from multiple dropdowns. To be exact, there is a dropdown with a yes/no option, then if yes, they must choose an occupation which in the table has a related value that must be multiplied by the number of years experience in the third dropdown. Is this possible?

RE: Building formula

Hello Nat,

Thanks for your question. It is possible to do this. It will involve a few steps, though. If you haven’t done so yet, create a list of occupations. Select this list and create a range name for it (top left box above column headers). Name this range Yes. Then, click on a blank cell and create another range name, this time naming it No.
The idea is that when Yes is picked from the first drop-down, the occupations drop-down (which I’ll explain later) will populate with the occupations list and when No is picked, the list will be empty.

To create the occupations drop-down, go to Data – Data Validation – List. In the Source box, type the following: =Indirect($A$1) *Replace $A$1 with the cell reference which contains your Yes / No drop-down. The Indirect function will see the Yes or No in that cell. If Yes is picked, the occupations drop-down will show the occupations list, if No, there will be no drop-down options.

Next, write a Vlookup to match the chosen occupation to the corresponding value needed to multiply with years’ experience (if needed, create a drop-down for years’ experience).

Finally, create a formula to multiply the occupation value with the years’ experience. You will notice that picking No does not clear the occupation cell. Simply do this manually.

I hope this helps. Please post again if you need further assistance.

Kind regards
Marius Barnard
Microsoft Office Trainer

Tue 26 May 2020: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

How to apply the same formatting and data to multiple sheets at the same time in Excel 2010

When you want to format more than one sheet in a worksheet exactly the same way, Ctrl-click the tabs of the sheets you want to group together and they will all turn white. While they are grouped, anything you enter in one sheet gets entered into the others.

After you have done this, remember to click on the tabs to take them out of the group so that you do not accidentally insert data in multiple sheets when you just want to insert data in one.

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