excel conditional formatting

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Excel: Conditional formatting

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2016 (Mac)

Alexandra has attended:
Excel Advanced course

Excel: Conditional formatting

Is it possible to apply conditional formatting per individual row without doing it manually each time (I have 1200 rows of data). Applying to the whole sheet takes into account the highest value of the whole sheet which isn't necessarily applicable to each individual row.

Hope you can help.

RE: Excel: Conditional formatting

Hi Alexandra,

You will need to create a rule using a formula.

Select your first row and go to Conditional Formatting>New Rule>Use a formula to determine which cells to format.

Use the formula:


(where A1 is the first cell in your row, and D1 is the last cell in your row)

Then use the format painter to copy the formatting to all the remaining rows.

This should save you a lot of time.


Excel Trainer

Tue 6 Mar 2018: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Auto-insert the current time

In Microsoft Excel, to enter the current time into a cell, hold CTRL+SHIFT and press SEMICOLON.

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