deleting historic quiries

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Deleting historic quiries

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2010

Abigail has attended:
Access Introduction course

Deleting historic quiries

I'm working from a semi cleaned up database that has a LOT of historic queries in it. If I delete these queries do I run the risk of deleting any other data?
The reasons for keeping the old data is so we don't have to hand enter information.

Hope this makes sense. Thanks!

RE: Deleting historic quiries

Hi Abigail

Deleting the queries shouldn't affect your database because they're essentially just another type of filter

Is there a reason you're deleting them instead of hiding them?

Kind regards

Will be marked as resolved in 5 days

Notice: This is an automated message. Due to inactivity, this forum post will be marked as 'resolved' if there are no further responses in the next 5 days.

Tue 12 Dec 2017: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Compact database automoatically

To ensure optimal performance, you should compact and repair your

Open the Access database or Access project that you want Access to compact automatically.
On the Tools menu, click Options.
Click the General tab.
Select the Compact on Close check box.

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